Small stories inspired by the mood of a day, not concentric at all, but whose title evokes the obsession that had taken hold of the artist:
“I made 1500 in three months!”
The body and the movement, the movement as a sign and the body as a trace. From the beginning, the obsession of the woman’s body, rather of the women’s body, because this obsession, this particular glance, is carried on a body always individualized at the same time as representative and witness of a whole. This whole, this family is situated throughout the history of humanity, and the Venuses of Lespugue, the Black Goddesses and the Cabaret Trainers can be found and recognized in the features of this painted woman. First the body, and the movement, the movement of the bodies and that of the brush, of the fingers on the chalk, of the gestures of the model who moves in the studio, to finally capture only the essential, this speed and this distance. These gestures that never cease to free themselves, to free themselves, to strengthen themselves and to justify themselves.
Text by Nicolas Raboud